This is a special class in which you will learn everything needed to become a Master and teach 13th Octave LaHoChi. As you know, the way in which one becomes a Master in this lineage is a bit unusual - by attuning someone else. This 3 hour class provides a safe, low-pressure environment to do so and practice with one another. We will also cover the following~
What it truly means to BE a Master
How to lead a class, in person and virtually
The significance of the rituals in the attunement ceremony
How to prepare yourself
Requirements for students
Sourcing materials (books, certificates, crystals)
Best practices and troubleshooting
Marketing + pricing suggestions
Q & A time
And last but not least, we will also experience an Angel of Joy Awakening attunement!
**This will be held online via Zoom ~ you will be emailed the link to join no later than 24 hours before the class.
This class is open to all students who have been initiated by me (or one of my students) and have been practicing for over a year or more. If you were attuned by someone else, please send me a copy of your certificate.
The exchange for this class is $111.
Venmo (@ostarahealing) is preferred :)
or (select friends + family if it comes up pls)
If you’d like to pay by credit card, you can do so here.