13th Octave LaHoChi
Upcoming training dates
This training and attunement will initiate you into the 13th Octave LaHoChi healing tradition, and enable you to practice as a practitioner. You will also receive an Angel Light Healing attunement to deepen the work.
13th Octave LaHoChi is an ancient, high-frequency energy healing modality gifted to us by the Archangels and Ascended Masters. As humanity awakens and ascends in consciousness, more and more powerful healing modalities return to the Earth. It was first brought to the Earth by the Pleadeans, and was practiced in Atlantis and Lemuria in quartz crystal pyramid temples. The knowledge and power of this modality was lost during the fall of Atlantis but it returned about 20 years ago through a channel named Satchamar. Basic LaHoChi was practiced for about a decade until it was expanded in the early 2000s, when the Council of Love brought forth the 13th Octave through Linda Dillon.
13th Octave LaHoChi is a powerful hands-on healing modality that brings in a very high frequency of light into one's physical and energetic bodies. La means Light and Love of God/Goddess/Spirit. Ho means Movement. Chi refers to Life Force. Hence, LaHoChi is the movement of light into the body at the speed of Love. The 13th Octave is a process of conscious union within the heart of God/Goddess; an awareness that is anchored deep within our hearts. This is a powerful, yet gentle form of energy balancing and healing in which the body’s own natural healing abilities are activated and nurtured.
The purpose of 13th Octave LaHoChi is to assist us in the fulfillment of our chosen spiritual and physical journeys, through the Violet Flame and the Blue Diamond Flame of the Universal Mother, sacred geometry, and Lemurian crystals, assisted by the Archangels and Ascended Masters. This powerful healing brings us back to the Heart of One, to remember our own Divine being. It directly us connects to the Love, support and guidance for our Spiritual paths and deepens our connection to the Divine Mother.
The range of known benefits is far-reaching and heals on the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels. LaHoChi facilitates gentle energetic release of cellular memory and deep healing of physical, emotional, and psychological issues, traumas, and accumulated stress from an individual’s life experiences. It opens, clears and balances the chakra system, and reweaves the energy field by repairing holes, tears and shattered areas caused by a variety of impacts, trauma, environmental toxins, negative affirmations and genetic tendencies.
During a healing session one may experience:
Feeling of profound peace and unconditional love
Releasing of blocked or "stuck" energies in the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual layers of the energetic field
High vibrational healing akin to energetic acupuncture
Deeper connection to higher self and accelerated spiritual awakening
Filling of the spiritual bodies with brilliant light
Connection to the realms of Ascended Masters, Archangels, and pure Source love
Feeling supported and full of "bliss"
Deep relaxation
And more!
**Please wear all white, and bring 4-6 Lemurian quartz crystals which will also be attuned with you, to use in your sessions. It is strongly recommended that participants be attuned to Reiki 2 or IET Intermediate or above.
I have a limited number of Lemurian quartz crystal sets available here.
Please email jordan[at]deerheartapothecary.com with any questions!
Can’t attend either date? Needing a personal experience? I offer private, 1:1 attunements any time! Online only.
Frequently Asked Questions…
🕊️ How is it different than Reiki / is it stronger?
There's a lot more going on! Access to this energy requires us to raise our frequency to the 13th Octave, a state of being that was not previously available to humans on the 3D earth plane (we'll go into this more in the training). In this modality we are also utilizing the combined frequencies of the Violet Flame and the Blue Diamond Flame of the Mother, sacred geometry, and working hand-in-hand with the Archangels and Ascended Masters. And while it is stronger than Reiki (which is a gentle, simple energy), that doesn't mean it's better. No hierarchy here. It's just different; another tool in our healing/spiritual toolbox that we get to work & play with.
🕊️ What if I don't resonate with Angels?
The Angels, as we humans call them, are simply benevolent spirit beings here to assist us when called upon, free of religion or dogma. There are many names & ways of referring to & working with these energies. Doing what feels comfortable for you is part of the healing! In fact, this modality helped me heal from organized religion and decolonize myself from such programming. Spirit, and all its forms like Angels, cannot be contained, narrowly defined, or used for man's agendas to control and conform. They don't come to some and not others based on human ideas of worthiness or holiness. In fact, terms like "Angels" don't even begin to describe them, and are just one way of referring to and calling in such divine energy.
🕊️ What do I need for the training?
Wear all white, and bring 4-6 Lemurian quartz crystals which will also be attuned with you. It is strongly recommended (but not required) that participants be attuned to Reiki 2, or IET Intermediate, or have at least one year’s experience working with quantum energy.
🕊️ How many levels are there? Is this for personal or professional use?
There is just one level, and this training is for both personal and professional use. I do strongly recommend starting off with your personal practice (for at least 3 months) to build a strong foundation before you offer this to others. If you are interested in becoming a Master and/or teaching this modality to others, I offer a Master Teacher class once or twice a year but it is only open to my students who have been practicing professionally for one year or more.
🕊️ Is this online or in person?
Both (on two separate dates)! For those local to NYC, we are gathering in a private studio space in Union Square, Manhattan (address sent upon registration). Those joining virtually will be emailed instructions on how to set up their space. You only need to take one of the dates, according to your preference.
The training & attunement will be powerful no matter how you attend. Those joining online are not missing out on anything. Though our human selves like to gather in-person, it's not actually necessary. In fact, having to take this online for the last three years has been a blessing because even more people can join from anywhere in the world! I've had folks from Europe and South Africa in this class.
🕊️ What is the lineage of this modality?
The original LaHoChi frequency came in through a channel named Satachamar over 30 years ago. In 2000, it was expanded with the 13th Octave channeled through Linda Dillon. My teacher, Ari Roberts, was one of her early students. By taking this training, you will join this sacred lineage and take part in the unfolding of this powerful healing modality upon the planet.
🕊️ Do you offer payment plans?
Yes! You can use Affirm, Afterpay, Klarna or PayPal Pay-in-4. Sign up with this link for in-person or this link for online.