photo by Denisse Monge
"You have the power to heal yourself, and you need to know that. We think so often that we are helpless, but we're not. Claim consciously and use your power." - Louise Hay
If I had heard that quote 15 years ago I would have rolled my eyes and dismissed it immediately, and secretly felt very sad because I was doing everything I knew how to do in that moment to "fix" myself - and it wasn't working. I had been suffering from chronic pain and PTSD for years and had seen countless medical doctors, physical therapists, chiropractors, psychiatrists - you name it. I was exhausted and just about out of hope. So when the opportunity to take a session with a different kind of therapist came my way, I said fine, whatever. I felt I had nothing left to lose.
Oftentimes this is what it takes to really begin a new path, one that is truly right for us. Sometimes we have to feel like we're totally out of options, rock bottom, in order to consider something else. A moment where we are forced to take responsibility and ownership of our own lives and our own healing, no matter who or what had gotten us there in the first place. This is where it all begins.
You can heal yourself from anything. I promise. It may not be in the time or way that you expect, but a way is possible. And you don’t have to do it alone. Even though you can and must do the work, for the big stuff, well, we all need help. That’s what I’m here for. And we can find the way together.
This journey is surprising, winding, beautiful, painful, heart-opening, life-affirming and life changing. It is Joy. It is an act of self-love, and the most important commitment you could ever make -- to yourself.
About Me
I am an Artist, Medicine Woman, Teacher and Herbalist. I began my professional healing practice in 2016 and went full-time a year later. Read more about my education and experience here.
My ancestry—Yaqui indigenous, Mexica, Puerto Rican, Spanish & Welsh— and my connection to the natural world are part of my work, no matter the medium or modality.
My work specializes in Ancestral healing, inner child work and PTSD.
I am a Capricorn Sun, Gemini Moon & Aquarius rising, with a Scorpio stellium, Sagittarius stellium and 10th house stellium to boot!
Follow me @deerheart.ixmazatl.olsi and @oracleoftheconstellations on Instagram to see my art, get updates and reflections.