13th Octave LaHoChi

 Upcoming training dates

This training and attunement will initiate you into the 13th Octave LaHoChi healing tradition, and enable you to practice as a practitioner. You will also receive an Angel Light Healing attunement to deepen the work.

13th Octave LaHoChi is a powerful hands-on healing modality that brings in a very high frequency of light into one's physical and energetic bodies. La means Light and Love of God/Goddess/Spirit. Ho means Movement. Chi refers to Life Force. Hence, LaHoChi is the movement of light into the body at the speed of Love. The 13th Octave is a process of conscious union within the heart of God/Goddess; an awareness that is anchored deep within our hearts. This is a powerful, yet gentle form of energy balancing and healing in which the body’s own natural healing abilities are activated and nurtured.

This modality will meet you exactly where you are at and enhance what is within. And it will continue to the more you work with it throughout the whole of your life. The purpose of 13th Octave LaHoChi is to assist us in the fulfillment of our chosen spiritual and physical journeys, through the Violet Flame and the Blue Diamond Flame of the Universal Mother, sacred geometry, and Lemurian crystals, assisted by the Archangels and Ascended Masters. This powerful healing brings us back to the Heart of One, to remember our own Divine being. It directly us connects to the Love, support and guidance for our Spiritual paths and deepens our connection to the Divine Mother.

Tools that 13th Octave LaHoChi gives you

  • Access to the 13th Octave, a non-ordinary state of consciousness in the 7th dimension

  • Instant connection to the LaHoChi frequency

  • Angel Light Healing

  • Working with the Violet Flame and the Blue Diamond Flame

  • Working hand-in-hand (literally!) with the Angels and Ascended Masters

  • Sacred Geometry tools

Gifts that await you

  • The empowerment and peace that comes from knowing how to access and work with Divine frequencies, available whenever you desire

  • It will give you a ‘built-in’ self-healing and self-regulating technique that you can use any time, any where for any reason

  • It will open your receptors and strength your connection to other energy healing modalities you are attuned to

  • It will open and enhance your channeling abilities to more easily and instantly connect with Spirit

  • Healing at the Speed of Love!

13th Octave LaHoChi is gifted to us by the Archangels and Ascended Masters. As humanity awakens and ascends in consciousness, more and more powerful healing modalities return to the Earth.

The range of known benefits is far-reaching and heals on the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels. LaHoChi facilitates gentle energetic release of cellular memory and deep healing of physical, emotional, and psychological issues, traumas, and accumulated stress from an individual’s life experiences. It opens, clears and balances the chakra system, and reweaves the energy field by repairing holes, tears and shattered areas caused by a variety of impacts, trauma, environmental toxins, negative affirmations and genetic tendencies.

During a healing session one may experience:

  • Feeling of profound peace and unconditional love

  • Releasing of blocked or "stuck" energies in the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual layers of the energetic field

  • High vibrational healing akin to energetic acupuncture

  • Deeper connection to higher self and accelerated spiritual awakening

  • Filling of the spiritual bodies with brilliant light

  • Connection to the realms of Ascended Masters, Archangels, and pure Source love

  • Feeling supported and full of "bliss"

  • Deep relaxation

  • And more!

**Please wear all white, and bring 4-6 Lemurian quartz crystals which will also be attuned with you, to use in your sessions.

I have a limited number of Lemurian quartz crystal sets available here.

Please email jordan[at]deerheartapothecary.com with any questions!

Can’t attend either date? Needing a personal experience? I offer private, 1:1 attunements any time! Online only.

Frequently Asked Questions…

🕊️ How is it different than Reiki / is it stronger?⁠
There's a lot more going on! Access to this energy requires us to raise our frequency to the 13th Octave, a state of being that was not previously available to humans on the 3D earth plane (we'll go into this more in the training). In this modality we are also utilizing the combined frequencies of the Violet Flame and the Blue Diamond Flame of the Mother, sacred geometry, and working hand-in-hand with the Archangels and Ascended Masters. And while it is stronger than Reiki (which is a gentle, simple energy), that doesn't mean it's better. No hierarchy here. It's just different; another tool in our healing/spiritual toolbox that we get to work & play with.⁠

🕊️ What if I don't resonate with Angels?⁠
The Angels, as we humans call them, are simply benevolent spirit beings here to assist us when called upon, free of religion or dogma. There are many names & ways of referring to & working with these energies. Doing what feels comfortable for you is part of the healing! In fact, this modality helped me heal from organized religion and decolonize myself from such programming. Spirit, and all its forms like Angels, cannot be contained, narrowly defined, or used for man's agendas to control and conform. They don't come to some and not others based on human ideas of worthiness or holiness. In fact, terms like "Angels" don't even begin to describe them, and are just one way of referring to and calling in such divine energy.

🕊️ What do I need for the training?⁠
Wear all white, and bring 4-6 Lemurian quartz crystals which will also be attuned with you. It is strongly recommended (but not required) that participants be attuned to Reiki 2, or IET Intermediate, or have at least one year’s experience working with quantum energy.⁠

🕊️ How many levels are there? Is this for personal or professional use?
There is just one level, and this training is for both personal and professional use. I do strongly recommend starting off with your personal practice (for at least 3 months) to build a strong foundation before you offer this to others. If you are interested in becoming a Master and/or teaching this modality to others, I offer a Master Teacher class once or twice a year but it is only open to my students who have been practicing professionally for one year or more.

🕊️ Is this online or in person?⁠
Both (on two separate dates)! For those local to NYC, we are gathering in a private studio space in Union Square, Manhattan (address sent upon registration). Those joining virtually will be emailed instructions on how to set up their space. You only need to take one of the dates, according to your preference.

The training & attunement will be powerful no matter how you attend. Those joining online are not missing out on anything. Though our human selves like to gather in-person, it's not actually necessary. In fact, having to take this online for the last three years has been a blessing because even more people can join from anywhere in the world! I've had folks from Europe and South Africa in this class.

🕊️ What is the lineage of this modality?
The original LaHoChi frequency came in through a channel named Satachamar over 30 years ago. In 2000, it was expanded with the 13th Octave channeled through Linda Dillon. My teacher, Ari Roberts, was one of her early students. By taking this training, you will join this sacred lineage and take part in the unfolding of this powerful healing modality upon the planet.

🕊️ Do you offer payment plans?
Yes! You can use Affirm, Afterpay, Klarna or PayPal Pay-in-4. Sign up with this link for in-person or this link for online.

What students are saying…

I believe healing energies are divine & magical and 13th Octave LaHoChi definitely feels divine & magical. I practice and teach Reiki and IET energy healing so I am attuned and married to these 3 healing energies, which most of the time they dance together through my vessel creating one frequency, but I feel and connect with each one of them in a different way.

One of the ways I perceive these evolutionary times is that each spirit, galactic, multidimensional & angelic collective are collaborating together to help the human collective evolve & heal as one, and each energetic attunement works as a bridge or transference for energetic communication so we as human collective can slowly bring more light into the planet. And ultimately attunements are remembrance of what we already know and have experienced, a remembrance of who we are at the soul level so we can activate more of our DNA. I don’t see one energy being better or stronger than another because my personal healing journey led me to no longer think in a polarized way. Each energy is a miracle to me and each energy has a divine purpose but each one of us experience energy & healing differently because we all have a specific unique frequency and soul history. And each body/soul frequency resonates and responds differently to healing or types of energy modality. Each of us also responds and connect differently to the various spirit collectives. Some of us existed in an angelic realm before incarnating on Earth, therefore LaHoChi will be feeling like “homecoming”, and the clients you attract will be magnetized by the homecoming signal. That is why I believe it is important to attune to all of the energies, learn all the modalities and have more bridges open. Not only for yourself and your own evolution through remembrance, but also to assist and facilitate different frequencies for different people.

Jordan is a beautiful teacher and through her class & attunements she really conveys this energy authentically and with power, from the lecture part of the class to the energy aspect, by being a strong vessel of LaHoChi. The class was as fun as validating for me in many ways. I am grateful to Jordan for her commitment and work to bring LaHoChi in our community and on Earth and as a healing facilitator and teacher myself, I would recommend every practitioner to take this class and integrate this energy modality into their stardust. Fair warning: You will experience more magic and connection🌈

—Manu del Prete


"Full of joy and gratitude 💙💜🙏I received my initiation into 13th Octave LaHoChi today. I feel so much love in my heart and am ready to incorporate this wonderful healing modality into my practice. Thank you so much for sharing your light with the world. Thank you so much Jordan, this was truly a wonderful and life changing experience for me."

—Diana Perez


“Thank you so much for initiating me as LaHoChi Practitioner. This initiation has brought forth instant healing and transformation. Sunday was filled with so many emotions and blessings, I am honored to have had shared this experience my other LaHoChi sisters so humbled to be part of Jordan Pagán’s and her teacher Ari Roberts’ lineage to continue to spread this angelic healing light with the world.”

—Melissa Smiley


“This March [2020], I was attuned to the lineage of LaHoChi with Jordan. When I first saw it on the site, I was drawn to it. I could not tell you why. Something called me to it. When I learned of the lineage it made sense because it supports your heart expansion, which is what I do via the love limpias.

The experience was profound as I was going through a transition moving from the studio where I grew my practice to what felt like so much uncertainty. The attunement helped ground me and energetically transform what did not serve me any longer. I noticed an expansion in my energetic field. It has helped center my practice and deeply impacts the ways I hold space for clients as well as when I facilitate group work. Because I received the attunement remotely, it became evident to me the potency of this modality. It was because of this experience that I too could hold sessions remotely. It felt like a leveling up and out of my field. I highly recommend you explore this modality if it resonates with you.  

Jordan has an incredible manner of holding space during the training and attunement. I appreciate that they are available to answer questions as I keep deepening my connection with LaHoChi.”

—Reina Prado

I have always been attracted to the healing energy of the 13th Octave LaHoChi since first meeting Jordan in 2019 after my Levels 1 & 2 Usui Reiki system certification. One aspect of LaHoChi that resonates the most for me is the connection and spiritual coordination of the Archangels & Ascended Masters also known as the Council of Love. Personally, I have gone through many spiritual phases but the 13th Octave LaHoChi is one of the first modalities that shows universal love & healing to those who connect with it. I believe the Spirit Guides of this energy loved us (humans) so much that they meet us wherever we are to make sure we all receive this healing light energy no matter "religious" or spiritual background.

Since being attuned to 13th Octave LaHoChi, I feel a deeper connection to spirit and I have been more connected to the energy of my clients, understanding what their needs are. LaHoChi's loving force is wonderful for those who have experienced some type of trauma and are needing a spiritual push to assist in their forward movement.

13th Octave LaHoChi to me is a loving, gentle energy force that knows where to go within the body & aura field. As a practitioner I am honored to be a conduit of this energy, for myself as well as for others. I give thanks to Jordan for being my teacher in this sacred lineage. I give thanks to The Violet Flame & The Blue Diamond Flame from the Divine Mother healing & guiding me on my spiritual journey. I give thanks to the Council of Love that has helped me heal this far into my spiritual journey. And I look forward to continuing this journey.

—Ivy Okang


I received my LaHoChi Attunement with Jordan in the fall of 2020 and it was an amazing experience. Learning LaHoChi helped open me up to my intuitive gifts and it gave me more confidence in my ability to share and receive energy.

Chauna Bryant, Breathwork Facilitator & Founder of Breath Liberation Society

I was interested in Jordan's LaHoChi training for a while and finally felt ready for it in March 2020. The attunement was magical and profound, simply beautiful divine energy flowing through me. I had practiced and taught reiki for a while, but this energy was different. I was shy to offer sessions at first, but once I did and received feedback, it encouraged me to deepen my practice.

When Jordan offered a training in 2021 to support us in becoming teachers ourselves, I was honored to participate. My client's experiences have been wonderful, deep, loving, life changing. I am forever grateful to have Jordan as my teacher and being able to offer this modality!

—Lindai Loutun

“I got attuned to the 13th Octave LaHoChi modality in March 2020 by Jordan. The attunement was so intense and so powerful that it brought me to a level of consciousness that I did not know would be possible in my lifetime. This energy modality is deeply and truly transformative.

Ever since my attunement, I feel like I have a deeper relationship with higher vibrational beings as well as with my guides. I also noticed an expansion of my understanding of the Universe as well as an expansion of my energetic field allowing me to be more open and aware of my true mission on this earth in this lifetime. The deep transformative work that comes with being attuned with this energy is something that I can’t recommend enough.

Working with 13th Octave LaHoCHi has been a blessing for myself but also for clients who are looking to go deeper in their search for spirituality and enlightenment. During a session with clients, I can feel the beauty of this energy going through me and my client to provide them with the purest form of healing for their soul. I am so grateful for Jordan and the 13th Octave LaHoChi for giving me the opportunity to heal myself in a true divine manner.”

—Jean Phillipe Schmidt

"LaHoChi was on my radar for a while. I knew, when the timing was right I would sign up for the training with Jordan. I am so grateful I did because it's one of the most profound and moving training I've taken. I felt instantly connected. My inner voice was confirming, "yes, this is for you". Though I currently don't practice for others, just myself, it's been a very supportive and nurturing ally for me. Like many of us, the last few years have really set me off center and left me feeling fractured. Last year I did a re-attunement and it was such a gift. Thank you Jordan for this beautiful offering and being such a great guide.”


“The experience that I had being attuned to 13th Octave LaHoChi is beyond what I can put into words. I discovered this heart expansive modality about a week after calling in my divine gifts and talents in my Akashic Records. When reading the description of the 13th Octave LaHoChi on Jordan’s website, I had a full body somatic YES to signing up for the training.

During the initiation I received memories and visions of my life in Lemuria and Atlantis, the tears kept flowing and I was speechless. Later I had the message ‘death is returning to the origin of love’ arrive into my conscious awareness. This message created a profound shift in my awareness of the meaning of life and continues to take me deeper into the winding path of the essence of transformation.

13th Octave LaHoChi was a homecoming for me and I highly, highly recommend this training and attunement for anyone that is looking to enter the path of the heart and expand the remembering of the love that we all arise from.”

—Vanessa Murchie


“LaHoChi is a special energy modality that allows you to connect directly to Source. It gives agency back to the person receiving, in that they must choose if they are ready to heal and ascend. Rather than being a passive agent, LaHoChi wakes you up and offers you the chance to make necessary, life-altering, and brave changes on your path, redirecting you towards your most aligned Destiny. It not only uses energy healing, but also brings in angelic realms, ascended masters, and spiritual guides that can support you in altering your DNA and clearing out deep-seated trauma.

As a receiver, I have felt my body release in places I didn’t even know existed. My throat has become more open in speaking my truth, and I have been more honest and transparent with my body and soul about what I truly desire in this lifetime.

As a practitioner, I have seen my sessions shift and I have seen years (and lifetimes) of emotional holding being released in my clients. There is a palpable yet subtle enhancement in working with this form that feels gentle, nourishing, and etheric, while at the same time being deeply powerful, integrated, and moving. I love to give and receive this beautiful modality and I highly recommend it to anyone looking to deepen their spiritual path.”

—Margarita Russolello


"I woke with a clear nudge from my guides which led me to 13th Octave LaHoChi energy, which then led me to this attunement and initiation that was taking place... I ended up joining the training and spent the rest of the week very aware of angels and powerful energies and synchronicities. I knew nothing about the LaHoChi energy, but once in the training, I realized that not only I was guided here but I was already channeling and preparing myself for this initiation for the last 6 months. Was I aware? Nope. Were my spirits aware and were gently guiding me? BIG TIME. I can’t wait to share more about this Quantum Healing that involves working with Ascended Masters and other higher beings... Grateful to Jordan and everyone for making me feel at home. Thank you thank you thank you."

—Mariam Guessous


"I don't remember how I heard about 13th Octave LaHoChi, but I knew it felt right. I came across an upcoming training with Jordan and registered without hesitation. The fall of 2019 felt like such an elevated experience in many areas of my life. I may not have felt such profound effects immediately after the initiation and training, but I know that as time went on and I was integrating more of the energies, I definitely experienced major shifts!

With LaHoChi, I love having access to the violet flame and blue diamond ray, and utilize them frequently. Jordan offers herself as such a strong guide and mentor, that I'm so glad we were connected through LaHoChi. Working with LaHoChi is very special. I feel blessed and honored to be a part of this healing tradition and am so hopeful for its impact at this time."

—Marco⁠ Imperiale


"13th Octave LaHoChi brings people together in a creative and inspiring way.

It is a guiding light.

Its teaching is one of patience and longevity. Just like reiki is an energy that always has been and always will be. I also believe LaHoChi to be an energy that always has been and always will be, but the subtle and transformative ways LaHoChi energy stretches far beyond that which I have experienced with Reiki. It connects you directly to source, in a way that is indescribable. LHC in my opinion rising up for a specific reason, to raise humanity to its highest form. To bring conscious awareness from the angelic realms, and connects you to your highest calling. Life changing magic."

—Beth Ricciardone


The first time I tried LaHoChi was receiving a session from Jordan in early 2019. I hadn’t heard of it before, but decided to try after Jordan recommended it. It was among the most beautiful healing sessions I have had, I had never experienced anything like it; so powerful, rejuvenating, and soothing. I felt I received so much clarity around things I had been struggling with for a long time. I returned several more times for these sessions, but in the time outside of it and leading up to my reiki master training I began to work with the violet flame and that’s when I began to really feel a call to LaHoChi. I found myself becoming increasingly drawn to working with the archangels, and the call became clear.⁠

Since being attuned to LHC I have felt increasingly grounded in my core self, and feel much more connected to energy in general. I am still building my relationship with violet flame and blue diamond energy, but have found that even when giving sessions I feel that same feeling of love, connectedness, and comfort I feel when receiving- like being deeply held, and able to see and feel with total clarity. I’m so grateful to be introduced to this practice and would recommend that anyone who is considering it to take the leap!”

—Mikella M.

“I felt called by my Spiritual Court to continue my journey into Energy Healing by taking Jordan’s 13th Octave LaHoChi class. Once I was initiated into this modality I understood why my guides lead me there. It has been absolutely incredible to not only heal myself but to connect with those who need the healing. The feedback in my sessions have been incredible and life changing. I’m so happy I get to help those who need this modality to heal and grow in their journeys!”

—Abbey Santiago


13th Octave LaHoChi is a modality I will hold near and dear to my heart forever.  It is the most beautiful, loving attunement I have ever received.  The power of energy is incredible.  The fact that I can be on the West Coast or anywhere for that matter and receive so deeply blows my mind, a true validation of how energy works.  I wasn’t expecting to be overwhelmed with so much emotion, it was a very intimate experience.  

And Jordan is such a scared soul and special beam of light!  I’m so grateful that my path led me to her and LaHoChi.  There is so much wisdom that comes with LaHoChi.  I feel as though I’ve barely scratched the surface but have also known it forever.  When you experience it, then you’ll know exactly what I mean :)

—Reba Massey

I like to say that the energies of the 13th Octave LaHoChi found me. I experienced so many clear and direct signs and synchronicities that kept this beautiful healing modality close to my mind a few years ago during a time when I was immersed in learning Shamanism and becoming a Reiki Master.

I received my 13th Octave LaHoChi Attunement with Jordan Deer Heart in March 2022. My attunement has deepened me in a way that is hard to describe here in words. There is no doubt in my heart that channeling this high vibrational energy is part of the great Shift in humanity happening on Earth during this time.

I have so much gratitude and love in my heart for Jordan for sharing her wisdom and her lineage with all those called into developing a deeper connection with healing energy.

Kelly Koski


"Being attuned to 13th Octave LaHoChi by Jordan Pagán was an experience I'll never forget. Jordan transmitted the information and energy to us in a simple, gentle, yet profoundly powerful way. I really appreciate learning this new modality that has put me in closer, more aware relationship with the Angelic realm which, in a way, has felt very familiar; like a return home."

—Kiyama Brown


“I received my 13th Octave LaHoChi attunement as a birthday gift to myself. I very much want to be part of the healing changes that are taking place on our planet and this felt like essential education. I am so excited to begin working with clients and sharing this incredibly powerful work.

A few months later, I was asked by Jordan to assist her in a 13th Octave LaHoChi group initiation and attunement. I gladly said yes when I was asked and I thanked past me for being so wise in accepting this mission. We are in an unprecedented awakening on our planet and in our own lives. This work is here to help us all and give us a powerful way supp,.ort each other in our sacred evolution, completely supported by the angels. I am honored to have been doubly attuned and am so excited to be stepping into service and offering this amazing work. A huge thank you to wonderful Jordan for being my guide on this journey!”

—Anna Brooke

When I read the description of her 13th Octave LaHoChi Certification it jumped out to me immediately. As a student of Plant Medicine and an Herbalist, the importance of opening up to and receiving the wisdom from our elders, ancestors and guides is imperative to development. Although I felt insecure at first to take the Certification, thinking to myself that I may not be ready or understand the material, I decided to trust my intuition and fall into what would be taught, trusting Jordan's guidance.

It is hard to put into words the effects of learning LaHoChi. The 13th Octave LaHoChi Certification is an incredible practice that I use and call upon all the time throughout my daily life. It has brought in a stabilizing and expanding connection to Love Source. The certification teaches how to connect to powerful energies that extend outward beyond any surface or material. The practice has helped me in handling the overwhelming, ever changing energies around us all by grounding me to a community all invested in the importance of Love.   

—Sophie Kamin


"For my solar return, I decided to gift myself the opportunity to receive a LaHoChi attunement. It is always a pleasure to experience Jordan Catherine Pagán but to have her initiate me with the September 2020 cohort was such an honor! The purity in her being/practice has really pushed me to do the necessary work within myself to serve others in the best way possible."

—Larissa Torres